
About Our Group

The Santens Group of Companies was founded in 2000 and is a specialized information and logistics operator with an exclusive focus on servicing the distribution chain of finished pharmaceutical and related products in the Russian market.
The group includes the following operating companies: LLC Danom — holding company; JSC "SANTENS SERVICE", which operates in pharmacy warehouses; JSC "Norston", which provides services for the storage and handling of goods in customs warehouses and temporary storage warehouses, customs clearance and confirmation of the quality of medicines. The managing company of the group is Santens Logistic Group LLC.
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The first terminal in the Leshkovo warehouse complex was opened in 2012
Our mission
The Santens Group of Companies is the largest national pharmaceutical operator. Our goal is to facilitate access for patients to the best medicines and reduce the cost of treatment by increasing the availability of medicines through the functioning of a new model of the distribution chain, which allows us to shorten the path of a medicine from a pharmaceutical manufacturer to a patient.
Our clients are manufacturers of pharmaceutical and parapharmaceutical products, medical devices and medical products; distributors; pharmacy chains for which we are expanding the range of services that allow them to reduce costs and make medicines more affordable for consumers.

Based on the fact that the pharmaceutical market will change (drug reimbursement will be introduced, competition will intensify, localization of pharmaceutical production and the development of pharmaceutical clusters will continue), relying on our unique ability to quickly respond to changes in the external environment and changing customer needs, many years of experience and a leading role in to standardize the processes of drug circulation in Russia, we are creating a new business model of the distribution chain from the manufacturer to the patient, transparent for all participants.

This model can be implemented in any region of the country.

For this we:

  • we offer a unique set of direct delivery operator services, including contracting, commissioning and delivery of orders, financial settlement management, participation in government tenders and inventory management;
  • we increase the availability of drugs and adherence to treatment by organizing patient and insurance programs that combine various sources of funding into a drug reimbursement system, and reducing the manufacturer’s costs for promoting drugs through doctors and pharmacies;
  • we introduce advanced standards and information technologies for deeper integration with information systems of clients and executive authorities, automation of management and operational processes, accounting and monitoring of efficiency;
  • we implement a supply chain security management system;
  • we are introducing an open system for the formation of the cost of our services (openbook) to increase customer confidence, we are introducing a cost management system;
  • we increase the quality of operations on basic services to the level of international standards;
  • we develop managerial competencies at all levels of the company, and especially in project management, the creation of flexible business processes and their management;
  • we implement effective systems of training, development and motivation of personnel.

In carrying out this activity, we rely on our core values: caring for the interests of each client, business integrity, caring attitude to work, respectful attitude to employees and striving for leadership.

We develop a commitment to professionalism, a careful and responsible attitude to company resources, a culture of mutual respect and trust.
    20 years
    on the market

    The Santens group of companies was founded in 2000 and is a specialized information and logistics operator in the field of servicing the distribution chain of finished pharmaceutical and related products in the Russian market.

    2009 year

    The group participates in the creation of a non-profit partnership of a self-regulated organization for promoting the distribution of quality medicines in the pharmaceutical market — "Pharmaceutical Market Standards"

    140 clients

    The group’s clients are Russian pharmaceutical manufacturing companies and distributors, pharmacy chains, and foreign pharmaceutical manufacturers.

    4,5+ billion $

    The total import turnover of the group’s clients in 2017 is over 40% of the total import of drugs to the Russian Federation for the period.
    200 thousand pallets

    Made up the total volume of one-time storage of the group with the commissioning of all customs and warehouse complexes in the Moscow region.

    7 warehouses

    Warehouses for the organization of wholesale trade in medicines for medical use. The warehouse infrastructure includes 1 bonded warehouse and 3 temporary storage warehouses.

    500+ specialists

    We try to create comfortable and safe working conditions, encourage employees to strive for professional development.

    108 000 м2

    The total area of owned and rented warehouses managed by the group.
    History of the Santens Group of Companies
    • Santens Group of Companies carries out its activities in full compliance with the legislative and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation. The company’s warehouse complexes are licensed by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation and fully comply with all the requirements for pharmaceutical warehouses, both Western and Russian standards. Customs warehouses and temporary storage warehouses are included in the corresponding register of the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation and are also licensed to carry out pharmaceutical activities.
    • The group manages its own and rented class A pharmacy warehouses. The premises, equipment and the implemented quality management system provide conditions for the storage and processing of medicines that meet the international GSP / GDP standards.
    • The leader in the segment of customs services in the pharmaceutical market. At the terminals of the company there are two authorized customs authorities for the registration of medicines, where more than 40% of the total import of medicines to the Russian Federation undergo customs clearance.
    • The Santens group of companies is one of the initiators of the creation and an active member of the Non-Profit Partnership for the Promotion of the Distribution of Quality Medicines in the Pharmaceutical Market — "Pharmaceutical Market Standards", which has received the status of a self-regulatory organization.
    • The Santens group of companies is a participant in the Markirowka pilot project.
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    JSC "SANTENS SERVICE" 2000-2025