
Labuzov Igor Anatolievich

Petrozavodsk State University,
Faculty of Mathematics,
specialty Information Systems and Technologies.
• 2024 – Director of IT at Group of Companies Santens;
• 2023 – Head of the project office of the chain of stores «Family»;
• 2016 – 2023 – Deputy IT Director of PJSC "Pharmacy Chain 36.6";
• 2015 – 2016 – Head of the Project Management Department of «Alliance Helskea Rus»;
• 2010 – 2014 – Head of the strategic program of «M.Video» projects;
• 2003 – 2010 – Project Manager of «KORUS Consulting».
• More than 20 years of successful experience in the IT sector, including in the healthcare sector;
• Extensive experience in implementing projects of varying complexity, including strategic projects involving geographically distributed teams from several countries;
• Development and implementation of the company's IT development strategy integrated with the business strategy. Formation of a targeted IT landscape, taking into account development plans and business needs;
• Organization of managed IT