
Marina Arkadyevna Zeltser

Working at Santens Group of Companies
  • since March 2014.

Areas of competence:
  • Assurance that the the Group of Companies complies with applicable laws in the process of providing services and carrying out business activities
  • Expert evaluation of incoming documents and verification of their compliance with applicable laws
  • Preparation of contract drafts and contractual structures relating to the primary business activities of the Group of Companies
  • Defence of interests of Group of Companies in courts
  • Arrangement of risk insurance

  • Moscow State Pedagogical University, Faculty of Mathematics;
  • Moscow State Open University, General Law.

 About 20 years of legal counseling, including over 10 years in logistics.

Career history:
  • "Itella" LLC (NLK), Head of General Legal Practice;
  • JSC EKBK "Zvezdny", Deputy Head of the Legal Department;
  • CJSC "LUKoil-Neftegazstroy", Chief Legal Counsel.